Hey you! It's May! Wow, this year sure is flying by, April was a pretty good month! We have many new subscribers who joined the family in April. So, if you are new here, Hi! Also, check out the first forum post to get an idea of what this forum thing is.
I thought I'd let you guys in on some of my life, haha! I'm almost done with school! Goodbye junior year! I can't wait for summer, I already have a bucket list ;) I will go on Instagram soon talking about creating a summer bucket list. Should I do it this Wednesday or next month? Anyways, I've already started planning for colleges and my senior year plan. so yikes! but also yay!
Over the summer I want to really work on the plan and future for The Productive. So anything you want to learn, see, or hear from me comment below!
I've also been reading a lot lately. For the past 2 weeks, I've been reading a book a week. I plan to do this until I finish the Narnia series. I read the first 2 books a while back so I started at book 3 (out of 7). That's it, that's the update. Have a good day! 😁