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Clean Room Series: How to deep clean your room- Part 1

The Productive

Updated: Apr 6, 2021

Is your room a cluttered, unorganized mess? Do you clean it and then it just gets messy again? "Yes!" It happens no need to fret. In this serious, you will learn how to organize, clean, and keep your room clean. Near the end of this series, I will be giving free room cleaning checklists for you to print out!

Deep cleaning for many is the least favorite step but this part is to set you up to not have to do it so often. I will go through what the typical room has by section. If I don't discuss something your room has send me an email! Let's start!

1. Bed

Let's start with an easy step. All we are going to do to your bed is change the sheets, wash your blankets, and make your bed. I will write more about your bed in the future posts.

2. Drawers

Have you ever heard of a "junk drawer?" A junk drawer is "a drawer designated for the storage of various miscellaneous, small, occasionally useful items of little value." Do you have one of these drawers? Do you have unorganized drawers? Let's change that!

Here is a step-by-step process to reorganize and clean your drawers:

1. Dump everything out of your drawers.

2. Wipe down the drawer

3. Separate the items into 2 piles= Trash & Keep

4. Optional- Use drawer organizers

5. Place the keep items neatly in the drawer.

Bonus: Make sure your drawers are sectioned by type: ex. office supplies, beauty, technology, etc.

3. Closet

Time to go through the clothes, shoes, and the stuff we hide in our closet. First clothes, Go through and get rid of your least favorite items. Then organize your clothes by type, style, or color. Second shoes, Get rid of the old, small, and unwanted shoes. Place them neatly on the floor, on a shoe rack, or shelf. Third Extra stuff, take everything out and create 2 piles: Trash and Keep. Get a storage bin or box and place the items neatly inside, after that into the closet they go.

4. Desk

Let's take care of the place we spend the most time (well at least I do). I have another series fully dedicated to a clean office space. Click here to read it. Go through the items you don't need.

Tip: Decorate your desk to be a place you want to work at.

5. Clean

Let's make the floors shine and the shelf sparkle! Now is your chance to rearrange and redecorate if you'd like. First, go through and dust off every shelf, decor item, and mirror. Second, Wipe down those same items. Third, Vaccum the rugs or carpet. Fourth, Sweep up the dust, dirt, and lint. Fifth, Swifter to make sure you've picked up everything. Sixth, Mop it till it shines! Seventh, If you have laundry or any items lying around make sure you've picked them up.

Tip: Put your laundry in a hamper and always put away your clothes.

That's it, your room should be looking really good. Next Thursday I will teach you how to keep your room from reverting back to a mess. Make sure you do a deep reorganizing, and decluttering once a month. Comment or email me if you want help with your room one-on-one.

Author- Brooke Nichole


Gracie Hammond
Gracie Hammond
Mar 25, 2021

Brooke Nichole
Brooke Nichole
Apr 12, 2021
Replying to

Thank you!


Gracie Hammond
Gracie Hammond
Mar 25, 2021

This is exactly what I needed :)

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