This is part 1 of my new series: Office Space Organization. My goal is to help you be organized and stay organized. So let's begin with the first step: Decluttering! If you have a space that is piled with paper, work tools, or day to day stuff don't worry. I'm going to help you have a decluttered space to be productive.

Step 1: Get rid of old papers
Getting rid of documents that are unimportant is a major step. Sort through your papers making 3 piles. The first pile is important documents and papers that are used every day or need to be worked on. The second pile is documents that need to be filed. And the third is papers you no longer need. After you have sorted the papers into
these three piles put the first pile in a separate space. Examples: a folder, binder, drawer, paper tray, etc. The second pile of papers should go in a file cabinet or filing system. The third pile can go in the trash. If the papers have personal information on them they need to be shredded.
Step 2: Clean
After organizing the papers it's time to move everything off of your desk. By clearing off your desk, you become aware of all the stuff you have on and in it. If you find that you

have trash or stuff that you don't need, throw it away. Then, dust and wipe down your desk. You can then dust your computer and clean your keyboard. After that test your pens on a piece of paper to see if they still work. Anything else you have you can go ahead and sort through them (you know what you need to sort through).
Step 3: Organize your Electronics
All the cords, drives, and anything else you have, need to be sorted. Try to have all your cords that are plugged-in coming from one corner. Extra chargers and cords can be rolled up and placed in a drawer or box. Have a jar or compartment for all your drives- if your drives have stuff in them label them- this way they are easier to find. Also, have a specific spot for your phone to be at when working.

You can put your desk back together however you want. And remember this is only the first step to a clean and productive workspace. My next blog post will be "Organizing Your office supplies." If you have any questions you can contact me on the home page. Don't forget to subscribe to be notified of part 2.
You are Loved,
The Productive