Let's talk about food! Food is important and can help with a lot of daily functions. For example, Focus, memory, energy, and productivity. In this blog post, you will learn about different foods that can improve your productivity. The foods get better as we go! Let's get right into it, starting it off with...
1. Fish
Fish is Brainfood! fish contains omega-3 fatty acids which are key in brain health. "A diet with higher levels of them has been linked to lower dementia and stroke risks and slower mental decline..." (https://www.facebook.com/WebMD) If you don't like fish don't worry there are fish oil supplements.
2. Blueberries

Blueberries are yummy and help you complete your to-do list. Blueberries can also improve your memory. At the University of Reading, researchers observed children's memory and attention-spans after they had flavonoid-rich blueberry supplements. The results showed that the children showed major improvement in their ability to complete a task.
3. Spinach
Spinach is a game changer! Research from Harvard Medical School shows that these super leaves help your brain stay stronger for a longer period of time. Another bonus is that spinach helps you improve your learning capacity. And surprise, It improves motor skills!

4. Avocado
It's time to eat your avocado toast! Avocados are high in aids in the protection of brain cells called astrocytes. Astrocytes are brain cells that support information-carrying nerves. Avocados also help with blood flow to the heart and brain. They are also very filling, meaning that you won't be distracted from your tasks to go get a snack.
5. Green Tea

Okay, not really food but it has some major benefits.
Green tea is known for so many benefits:
Metabolism-boosting, glowing skin, fat shredding, etc, etc. But another major benefit is mood balance. When you have a super busy/stressed day you will often end up procrastinating. To help prevent this Green Tea help you focus, fight mental fatigue, and relax. This tea does this because it contains catechins.
That's it! If you want a part 2 let me know in the comments. A healthy lifestyle really does help your productivity. What is your favorite out of the 5?
The Productive
Brooke Nichole