Our lives don't stay the same year after year. We are bound to have new things, new classes, and schedules that require us to adjust our routines. By routines, I'm referring to a morning routine or what you do on a daily. There are also benefits to changing your routines once in a while. Changing routine can help you avoid burnout and from getting bored.
While changing my routines I learned a lot about being willing to adjust. Starting off with realizing that your routines need to change and figuring out which routine that is. Just like building a routine, you need to start small and adjust things slowly.
Start by planning out your new routine. What needs to adjust and why? It doesn't have to be a negative reason. For example, for me, my classes started later so I was able to adjust my morning routine to be an hour later. Another thing that changed was I wanted more time in my morning to spend time with family. Therefore I moved my workout/exercise to mid-day every other day. It's helpful to write out what you want your routine to look like rather it's on a piece of paper or on your phone.
I needed my morning routine to look a little bit different for each day of the week. I typed out an individual routine for each day of the week on my notes app. In the process of adjusting to those routines, I used it as a guide every morning. You might have to do the same thing until it becomes a habit. Once a new habit is established it becomes your default setting.
Often times when things change in life and require us to adjust our routines it can end up throwing us off. And we lose our routine altogether. This happened to me, and truthfully me writing this blog post is helping me get back on track with my goals and routine. Something that's helped me is figuring out my "why" for getting back into a routine.
If you haven't noticed most of this has to do with writing out your routine or goal. This might actually seem silly but it's helpful. Trust the process. The most helpful thing I can say to help you start adjusting and getting into a new routine is simply to just start. Don't allow yourself to get to the point where your routine is gone. Which is what I did, so learn from my mistake. But if you did, do the things I mentioned previously it can help you get motivated again and refocused.
If you have any questions on this topic feel free to email me or connect through Instagram.