Welcome to my first official blog post! Today I will be sharing with you 5 tips that have helped me be more productive, and I hope will help you. Remember that learning what works for you is important. But here are ideas to help you.

1. Create a To-Do List
Creating a to-do list will help you stay on task. If you're anything like me procrastination is one of your worst enemies. Well by creating this checklist it reminds you that you have to get stuff done. But don't feel discouraged if you don't accomplish everything, there's always tomorrow.
2. Put your Phone on "Do Not Disturb"
By putting your phone on "do not disturb" you are eliminating distractions. The best thing to do when you need to get work or school done is to put your phone on the other side of the room or on "do not disturb".
3. Keep a Planner or Calendar
Keep a planner or calendar, whether it's digital or paper. This is helpful when you need to keep track of stuff days or months in advance. I use a planner that has a month, weekly, and daily view, this helps me to break down my month in detail. I also use Google Calendar, I love using it for time blocking and reminders.
4. A Clean Space
This tip helps immensely! When you keep your office/desk space clean it helps you from getting distracted and overwhelmed. A tip for you is whenever you're done with your stuff for the day clean up your area so you can start fresh the next day.
5. Stay Organized
This is your final tip! Staying organized is very important, Keeping documents, textbooks, books, highlighters, or sticky notes that belong together with each other is going to save you lots of stress. When you can visibly see where everything is it will save you time that would be spent searching. For example, I keep all my school subjects separate from each other. This way my books aren't mixed together.
I hope these tips were helpful. Remember every habit takes time, you may not become super productive overnight, it's a process. It took me since last December to get where I am today. Remember everyone goes at there own speed. If you have any questions contact me, and don't forget to subscribe! Comment below things you would like for me to write about next. Lastly, remember you are loved.