Over the past few months, I have found a lot of apps that helped boost my productivity. And I thought I would share them with you. Because I know we have our phone near us the majority of our day. And being able to view your tasks at the click of a button makes life easier. Also, keep in mind that none of this is an ad.

1. Google Keep
Most recently I found Google Keep, and I love it! Google keeps allows you to take notes and make to-do lists. The image is an example of one of my to-do list. Having my list on my phone and desktop saves me from a lot of stress. At any moment I can look at what I have to do and not worry.
2. Flora

Flora is an app that allows you to focus on your tasks. You can set a timer for however long you want, when you start a timer you plant a seed. While the timer runs the plant grows, and as long as the timer is on you can't go on your phone. If you close out the of the app the plant will die. It's a fun way to stay focused. The image shows a little bit of what the app looks like.
3. Google Calendar
I use this as my Calendar on every device. It is great for scheduling and time blocking. I've talked about google calender on my Instagram before so most of you know about it. Google calendar is my favorite, you can set reminders and events. It's great!

4. Todoist

Todoist is an app that allows you to make a To-do list that you can view on your phone and desktop. this is an alternative to Google Keep, I've used both and they are both wonderful! Todoist has a very simple format and is a very minimalist look.
5. Notion
I have heard a lot of good things about Notion, I haven't used it but I know people who love it. You can use it for groups or personal use. You can make a to-do list, write on docs, view a calendar, and much much more.

Alright, that is all the apps I have to share! Remember, there are many resources to help boost your productivity. There are many other apps out there so I encourage you to explore and find what works for you. Don't forget to subscribe!