"Don't worry about straight A's, your free time is more important." "The fewer hours you work the happier you'll be." "You're the only one who feels unbalanced." These are all lies. Balance is important, even though it feels like you are the only person who doesn't have their life together you're not. Today I will teach you how to find a healthy medium. Please remember that your life doesn't look like everyone else's so apply these tips to your specific lifestyle.
#1 Make Priorities
What is more important? This question runs through our heads at least once a day.
School or text friend? Relax or clean? Clean my room or watch tv? What are some questions you ask yourself about your Priorities? comment them below.

Let's talk about making priorities. Sometimes people think that if they don't choose to prioritize being productive they are choosing wrong. but as I've said before being productive is: not wasting time. Example question: clean my room or watch tv? You're thinking "clean my room is the productive choice." Have you ever thought about doing both? clean up your room and watch a movie or video, it's possible! Being productive doesn't have to be boring. Think about this “what is more important?” I would say what you do with your time is more important.
Friends over school or school over friends?
Here is when we start talking about...
#2 Scheduling
Schedule your time, take breaks, and prioritize wisely. I'm not asking you to put school as a bigger priority than your free time. But I am asking you to choose what you do on your 15min break wisely. After you've been working on school or work do you: A) Scroll on social media or B) Do you do a 15-minute face mask and text a friend? What you do with your free time will make a huge difference. I recommend you try doing fun things on your break. Just because it's during school hours doesn't mean you can't relax and have fun. Examples of activities to do on breaks: Bike ride, text/call a friend, eat a snack, go for a walk, do something for yourself, or cuddle your pet. There are always other avenues to choose from.
It all starts with a change of mindset, how you look at the amount of time you have. What you do with your time is up to you. But, if you spend a total of 3 hours on your phone and then complain that you didn’t have anytime to call a friend or go somewhere that was your choice.
Question: What do you need to choose differently?
if you have any questions please send me an email, comment below, or dm me on Instagram. Remember to join the community!
You are amazing,
The Productive
Brooke Nichole
Feel free to ask Questions!