Flora is a FREE app created to help you stay focused and complete your tasks. I have had nothing but good experiences with the Flora app.I rate it 10/10! The flora app has you create a task, set a timer, and plant a tree. As long as the tree is growing you have to stay focused on your task. If you exit out of the app your tree will die. From what I hear they are coming out with a chrome extension version!?

Planting Trees
Flora helps our planet by growing real trees! 63,798 real trees have been planted by Flora users. The Flora website states, "We partner with tree-planting organizations in Africa and East Asia, such as the Trees for the Future to plant fast-growing soil rebuilding trees, fruit trees that diversify nutrition, and trees that can provide forage and fuel-wood."
Join with your Friends

Using the flora app you can do a study session and be productive together. You and your friends can follow each other, support each other, and learn together. my friends and me during this time of social distancing have used the flora app to help each other grow habits during this time.
If you have a hard time staying off of your phone during work and school hours I recommend downloading Flora. this app is also great when using the Pomodoro technique. Thank you Flora for helping me stay focused!
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The Productive