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How the Failure to Launch my business has led to Success

The Productive

December 12th, 2020 was my planned launch date for my small business selling planners and charts. But due to some site and logistics complications, I failed to launch. Although this was a big setback, I haven’t given up. I believe God is in control. So in the meantime, I have found much growth and have learned so much. Here is what I've gained.

1. Knowledge:

I decided to learn about running a business and creating a good foundation. Along with this, I wanted to learn about mental preparation as well. I have begun to research, one of my favorite ways is by listening to podcasts. Currently, I'm loving The Heart & Hustle Podcast. It has taught me so much not only about the business stuff but about the mental/heart part and Instagram as well. Definitely give them a listen. Another podcast I have been listening to is The Jasmine Star Show which has definitely helped me dive into the biz stuff without feeling like it.

What I've learned:

Some of what I have learned is to set up a good foundation. Looking back, if I would have launched back in December I would have been unprepared due to having a shaky foundation. I have learned how to reach the right people, how to grow, how to plan, and much more.

2. Growth

In the meantime, I decided to focus on growing The Productive Community. Currently, I have 268 followers on Instagram. That may not seem like a lot but if 268 people walked in and asked me "how can I be productive?" I would be in shock. Which I am. In December I had 7 subscribers here, now I have 14! I am so so happy that The Productive community is growing! If you would like to join subscribe below! I honestly am ecstatic to see how much more this will grow and help people. I plan on doing this forever so... comment what you want to learn, see, and get!

3. Strength & Strategy

Working a public social media and a blog is not easy. Especially while planning for a business. All of it requires strength and strategy. I've learned to plan out content and blog ideas. When you take into consideration: school, personal life, blogging, emails, social media posts, stories, creating graphics, chores, responding to DMs and more life can get busy. I don't want this to sound like a rant but it's hard. Although, I've learned what you focus on/prioritize matters. I choose to focus on the big picture/ growth of my blog, I choose to focus on the good moments, and that I get to help people. Sometimes in order to find strength, I need to rest. Mental health is essential. Sometimes I struggle with anxiety, when anxiety comes I choose to breathe, pray, and keep going. If you struggle with anxiety please know, you are not alone.


I have discovered much more and still have room for progress. But I think there is always room for improvement. I found success in knowledge, growth, strength & strategy. All 4 of these things are key factors in building a foundation. God continues to be faithful and continues to help me grow.

To answer your question: "When will you launch your biz?" My goal is this summer. There are still much more further logistics to plan out. Thank you for being patient and for subscribing! When the day comes, and I have an official date my subscribers will be the first to know.

Go be Productive,

Brooke Nichole :)



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