Things can get messy when it comes to keeping track of due dates, appointments, meetings, holidays, birthdays, projects, etc. So how can we have an organized planner without making it complicated? Today I will share with you tips to keep it neat.
Color Code

My favorite way to organize my life in a planner is by colors. For example, each school subject is assigned a color, The Productive tasks are assigned a color, and personal tasks are assigned a color. The image is an example of what my daily to-do list can look like. Choosing a color allows those tasks to stand out. So when you are looking for your essay due date in a mix of other due dates you know that it is in the color you chose.
Pencil or Pen
When writing in a planner I suggest using a pencil. As you can see I accidentally used a pen for my to-do list, try not to do that. You might be wondering how this helps you stay organized. It's simple. You can erase a pencil when you write something in the wrong spot. But you can't erase a pen, you have to scribble. And having scribbles all over your planner adds visual clutter. Use a pencil to keep things neat.
Organized To-Do List
If you write your to-do list in your planner like I do it's good to keep it organized. My main tip is to set priorities. Have 3-4 top priorities (things that need to get done today). 2nd priorities can get done today but if it’s done tomorrow it’s ok. And 3rd priorities can get done by the end of the week ( or set a due date.) setting due dates for your tasks can be extremely helpful. Try categorizing. Example of categorizing:
- task
- task
- task
- task
- task
- task

Having an organized planner will save you a lot of stress. If you have any questions about organizing your planner comment or send me an email. I would love to help you with your specific needs.