In today's post, I will teach you how to create an organized, efficient, and productive to-do list. Too often people will create a long list of tasks, This will lead to stress and sometimes a feeling of defeat. A to-do list created properly will help you keep track of your goals and routines. A quick tip: Write your To-Do List in the morning or the night before. Before we begin make sure you subscribe for more like this!
1. Main Goals
Set 3 to 5 main goals and tasks for your day, anymore will be overwhelming. Your main goals are the things that need to get done that day. Examples: doctor appointments, homework assignments, or any scheduled event.
2. Subtasks
Creating subtasks can help you plan your tasks with more detail. A pro to adding subtasks is how efficient your to-do list becomes.

] School
-English essay
- Math lesson 1.3
- economics lesson 4
As you can see school is the overall goal than you have your tasks that need to be completed before you can be done with school.
3. Lifestyle Tasks
These tasks are things that you do every day, such as routines. Examples: Making your bed, reading, working out, or going for a walk. All these tasks are personal, they are things you can accomplish but it's not a huge deal if you don't. This will help you to not be stressed out when you see them uncompleted.
Tip: Keep your main goals & lifestyle tasks in separate sections.
4. Digital or Paper?

I get asked this question frequently, my answer is both. It all depends on you. Some people work online and appreciate digital, while others enjoy looking off-screen at a paper.
I use both, let me tell you how. I do school and blogging online. I keep track of my assignments for school on paper. What I mean by this is my weekly to-do list is on paper and my daily to-do list is digital. Sometimes I like to switch it up and do it all on paper. When it comes to planning blog content I use paper.
Next Sunday I will teach you about time management. Time management will boost your planning skills to the next level!
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You are Loved.
The Productive
Brooke Nichole