Do you lack the motivation to get things done? Do you procrastinate? Do want to be productive? Do you lack self-discipline? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions keep reading. Lack of motivation gets to the best of us, even I have days where I lack motivation. This is normal, we are human. In today's post, I will give you applicable tips to get out of your procrastination slump. Remember these tips won't work unless you use them.

1. Set Daily Goals & Rewards
Trust me when I say that setting goals can keep you going especially if you get a reward. What is something you have to do tomorrow? Have you thought of it? Good. What is something you can do to reward yourself? (coffee, tv, candy, etc.) Think of that reward, once you accomplish that goal you get that reward. Sometimes are reward can be as simple as a break.
2. Set a Timer
Why is setting a timer helpful? Well, it is extremely helpful! Set a timer for a certain amount of time and then place your phone on the other side of the room or on "silent." This eliminates the temptation to go on your phone. and it tells you that you only have to work for those few minutes then you can stop. My favorite is Flora. "The flora app has you create a task, set a timer, and plant a tree. As long as the tree is growing you have to stay focused on your task. If you exit out of the app your tree will die" (The Productive). It really helps you stay motivated, try it!

3. Clean Space
Often times you will be unmotivated because of your workspace. If your workspace is dirty, cluttered, and unorganized you won't want to work at it. Read my blog series: Office Space Organization to learn how to clean your workspace.
Tip: Do a 15-min clean-up after your done using your workspace.
4. Rephrase your internal dialogue
How you speak matters. Replace "I don't want to do this" with "I get to do this!" Small changes can make a difference, the image below is a list of rephrasing:
Even the way you speak to yourself makes a difference, try rephrasing your dialogue for 2 weeks.
5. Set deadlines
When you have a deadline to meet you will go out of your way to get it done. If you have work to do but feel unmotivated to do, set a realistic deadline. If you're in school you have due dates, please pay attention to those due dates.
6. Subtasks
If you are working on a big task you may feel intimidated and that is why you are procrastinating. Examples of big tasks: Presentation, Essay, Project, or Exam. Set subtasks, here is an example of how a subtask will look for an Essay:
~ Essay
- Choose Topic
- Outline
- Rough Draft
- Revise
- Final Draft
- Proof Read
Imagine those lines are checkboxes. Subtasks help you feel more accomplished which leads to more motivation.
We are human and some days we aren't going to wake up feeling motivated. Don't punish yourself for it, Apply these tips and just start. You are capable, you can do this! Even if you don't want to do it putting it off only makes it worse. Go and be motivated!
Comment your form of procrastination for tips on your specific needs!
~ Brooke Nichole